"Being beautiful doesn't necessarily mean you like what you see when you look in the mirror."
My Blog is a safe place to discuss sexuality, or concerns that young adolescents may have. Adults and parents, please feel free to "chime" in.
Monday, July 21, 2014
Sunday, July 20, 2014
CNA - Speaking Exchange
FCB Brasil and the CNA language school network are launching the Speaking Exchange project, which connects CNA students in Brazil with Americans living in retirement homes. This meeting is carried out via an exclusive digital tool that uses video chat technology to bring the students face to face with Americans.
Duncan's Bar Mitzvah - A Call for Freedom to Marry
November 9, 2013, Duncan McAlpine Sennett became a Bar Mitzvah at Congregation
Beth Israel in Portland, Oregon. During
this important rite of passage for a Jewish 13 year old, the Bar Mitzvah gives
a speech or "D'var Torah" relating the biblical text to their own
lives and passions. Duncan used this time to speak about an issue he cares
deeply about. . .after hearing his message, you will, too
November 9, 2013, Duncan McAlpine Sennett became a Bar Mitzvah at Congregation
Beth Israel in Portland, Oregon. During
this important rite of passage for a Jewish 13 year old, the Bar Mitzvah gives
a speech or "D'var Torah" relating the biblical text to their own
lives and passions. Duncan used this time to speak about an issue he cares
deeply about. . .after hearing his message, you will, too
Friday, July 18, 2014
#YouOKSis?: Ending Street Harassment
The frustrating stories in this video (including the one involving a woman walking her baby in a stroller, which you can hear at the 2:15 mark) are familiar to many of us women. It has nothing to do with how we look or what we wear or where we live. Ten years ago, I didn't know what it was called. I just knew that I felt uncomfortable walking past men on the street and that no matter how many times I rolled my eyes, ignored it, or furiously responded, it wouldn't stop. Now, thanks to women like the ones featured in this video, I know that this sexist behavior has a name. And that my sisters have my back.
Venessa Marco - "Patriarchy" (WoWPS 2014)
When a man asked Venessa Marco if she could "deep throat," her response was *totally* clever. But what I like even more is that it inspired the performance in the video below.
And just to preemptively throw it out there ... the message in this video is *not* directed at all men. Hear it clarified, too, around 1:17.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Louis C.K. on Father's Day
A Challenge for All Dads to step up and be the Dad... It's fun, life changing, and . . . scary
Meghan Trainor - All About That Bass
A wonderful video about Loving who you are just the way you are...
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Who Says Guys Can't Be Feminists?
These guys are in High School and being taught that feminism is more than just about equality for women, it involves intersectionality of race, gender, sex, and class. We need more of this in the schools.
Friday, June 27, 2014
Dominique Christina - "The Period Poem"
A poem in response to a male's negative experience with menstruation. This poem will empower all females and their right to bleed making them better humans than any male.. Listen on. ..
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Designing a better home for refugee children
What a super idea! How nice it would be if there was no need for refugee camps?
"Daddy I Do" documentary TRAILER
The Purity Ball symbolizes a father's protection over his daughter's virginity, but how does this reflect in the choices she makes, understanding her sexuality, and knowing her worth as a woman? This documentary examines the effects of Abstinence-Only Programs versus Comprehensive Sex Education in schools and what society can do to help lower teen pregnancies, abortions, and STDS, as well as poverty and sexual abuse.
Monday, May 26, 2014
"Hir" Poem about trangsgendered youth.
This is a poem by Alysia Harris & Aysha El Shamayleh, it is about the dual identities of a transgender person.
Melissa sits in the back of the classroom afraid to speak up,
She pulls akwardly at her extra loose khaki cargo pants,
She doesn't want the boys to notice her.
Ethan Smith - "A Letter to the Girl I Used to Be" (CUPSI 2014)
Performing for Berklee College of Music as part of the Best of the Rest during Finals at the 2014 College Unions Poetry Slam Invitational.
Beautiful Spoken Word
Follow Ethan on Facebook: www.facebook.com/ethanwalkersmith
Beautiful Spoken Word
Follow Ethan on Facebook: www.facebook.com/ethanwalkersmith
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Unpacking My Backpack of Privileges
I want to talk about "privilege." One of my colleagues posted an article that made me think about the word "privilege." What it is to some may not be to others. In our daily walk with individuals, it is important to realize the effect of privilege. This is a short clip on an Introduction to White Privilege. Using myself as an example, my privileges are:
Why is this so important? Social justice is about caring for humanity that extends beyond our noses. Obviously, if I was a straight white middle class able-bodied male, I wouldn't have a care in the world. However, let's think about others and how they experience white privilege. In the YouTube clip Cracking the Code: Joy DeGruy "A Trip to the Grocery Store , Joy describes how she experiences white privilege and how to question injustice.
The person sitting next to you in class may have to work twice as hard to overcome those boundaries or maybe not have to work at all. One of my favorite YouTube channels ModPrimate explains how white privilege is systemic within our society. Black History Month for White People. When we are tempted to make racist, sexist, classist, or ableist, remarks, stop and wonder if you are taking advantage of your privilege to have power over others? This unearned privilege because of whiteness is also used as an excuse to ignore those who experience white privilege negatively. "After all, it isn't my problem! Right?" Oh, you are so wrong. We are not all equal therefore we don't all have the same equity or fairness of equal outcomes.
To impact social justice and change social systems, we need to keep considering equality and equity. My professor used an analogy in class whereby everyone took their shoes off (say education) and she distributed 2 shoes to everyone with different sizes, and shapes but not all shoes were able to serve their purpose. We are all offered free public education, but like the shoes, it doesn't work for well for everyone. We are not all square pegs to be put in square holes. You can use this analogy for several institutions in life where society has dictated that we all have the same opportunities in life, yet some people choose to not take advantage of those opportunities. This statement is untrue and misleading. In fact, if we unpack our backpack of privilege, we will see that some of us have a few more unearned tools that help us in comparison to others.
The next time you hear racist, sexist, or classist remarks, remember that not all backpacks are the same. Some people work twice as hard as others to obtain an education or a job. Then raise consciousness and educate society about debunking the myth of "equality for all!"
- I'm white and heterosexual
- I'm a citizen of the U.S. so I can obtain legal documents
- I'm surrounded by people of my race
- I have access to good food, water and housing
- English is my language, so communication is not an issue
- I have access to education which is steeped in U.S. history and the English language
Why is this so important? Social justice is about caring for humanity that extends beyond our noses. Obviously, if I was a straight white middle class able-bodied male, I wouldn't have a care in the world. However, let's think about others and how they experience white privilege. In the YouTube clip Cracking the Code: Joy DeGruy "A Trip to the Grocery Store , Joy describes how she experiences white privilege and how to question injustice.
The person sitting next to you in class may have to work twice as hard to overcome those boundaries or maybe not have to work at all. One of my favorite YouTube channels ModPrimate explains how white privilege is systemic within our society. Black History Month for White People. When we are tempted to make racist, sexist, classist, or ableist, remarks, stop and wonder if you are taking advantage of your privilege to have power over others? This unearned privilege because of whiteness is also used as an excuse to ignore those who experience white privilege negatively. "After all, it isn't my problem! Right?" Oh, you are so wrong. We are not all equal therefore we don't all have the same equity or fairness of equal outcomes.
To impact social justice and change social systems, we need to keep considering equality and equity. My professor used an analogy in class whereby everyone took their shoes off (say education) and she distributed 2 shoes to everyone with different sizes, and shapes but not all shoes were able to serve their purpose. We are all offered free public education, but like the shoes, it doesn't work for well for everyone. We are not all square pegs to be put in square holes. You can use this analogy for several institutions in life where society has dictated that we all have the same opportunities in life, yet some people choose to not take advantage of those opportunities. This statement is untrue and misleading. In fact, if we unpack our backpack of privilege, we will see that some of us have a few more unearned tools that help us in comparison to others.
The next time you hear racist, sexist, or classist remarks, remember that not all backpacks are the same. Some people work twice as hard as others to obtain an education or a job. Then raise consciousness and educate society about debunking the myth of "equality for all!"
Monday, April 7, 2014
Climbing PoeTree - HEART LED REBELLION (Official Music Video)
Climbing PoeTree interweaves spoken word, hip hop, pan flute beat boxing and award-winning multimedia theater to expose injustice, heal from violence, and make a better future visible, immediate, and irresistible. Alixa and Naima’s acclaimed performance explores diverse themes, including: healing from state and personal violence, environmental justice, civil rights, sexuality, and women’s empowerment.
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Me???? Go To College?? But I Can't Afford That!?!
In my family, we were all expected to go to college. My parents went to college, my mother graduated as a teacher from Portland State University, and my father was an engineer. I had so many advantages that I was blind to what academia calls "white privilege;" Individuals who are not white, single family homes, uneducated, or undocumented; In some families college is not a priority because it is more necessary to financially assist family. At first it may seem there are more "cons" than "pros," but the biggest "pro" is your dream. I'm sure you all have dreams and perhaps your parents had dreams. Sure, there are excuses that can be made; financial assistance, family obligations, single parent household,
transportation, and the list can go on and on. This part of my blog will disrupt those discouragements and obstacles. I will explore money, scholarships, grades, and most importantly - family community.
Money and debt are always a large concern. There are other ways for you to find dollars to go to school, but first there are some principles to put in your backpack. You Must have a good grade point average (GPA). Remember, when you start a class, you always start with an "A" letter grade. It is only common sense that if you don't turn in the homework, read the materials and study for tests that the odds are that you won't do well. Yes, those 3 little jobs are all that are between you and keeping your "A." Unfortunately, once your grades go down, it is a long and tedious crawl to get them back up!
Another advantage you have is to realize that teachers do not want you to fail! Utilize them to every advantage you can. Communication is essential to understanding at all times what your grade is and NOT waiting until the last minute to find out that you have a "D." All schools have online services to keep you in the loop with your grades. If your teacher doesn't use the system or lacks the ability to keep grades current in the system, go talk with your teacher on a Wednesday and tell them that you need to know your current grade when you see them Friday (or the next school day).
You may need to be a little assertive (not aggressive) because most teachers are not familiar with students being committed to their grades. You need to have ownership of your grades beginning your Freshman year; don't wait until your Junior year to realize that you'd better get with the program! Instead, always be invested in your future because it is in your control!
Thirdly, being involved in activities in your school or volunteering for non-profits will look great on college applications. Activities can range from art, music, school government, National Honor Society, sports, dance, FFA, or volunteering at Sunday school, Boys & Girls club, or even the local senior center. In addition, this involvement also will provide positive character references.
If you combine good grades with school involvement you will qualify for scholarships! Applying for scholarships is much like applying for a job. The more you apply for, the better your chances. There will be some scholarship letters of denail, but don't let this get you down; head up, shoulders back, and move onward. Your goal is to have the college pay you to go to school! Let me start off with a link of "Strange scholarships." These sscholarships vary from caddies, tall girls, potatoes, best prom outfit made out of duct tape, and even inventors to enology (what is that?). Strange Scholarships
Did you know that even Mike Rowe from the
show "Dirty Jobs" has a trade scholarship? Mike Rowe Trade Scholarship.
The most helpful link I found was the Oregon Student Access Commission or OSAC! OSAC This scholarship data base has at least 600 different scholarships. You goal is to find the top 13 scholarships that apply to you! **Hint** Your counseling office has a book with details that will sort them out for you. If you don't live in Oregon, there is a familiar website for your state too; go see your counseling office. Here is the link for New York State New York State Scholarships.
Some scholarships are renewable if you continue to meet their guidelines, and the OSAC website has scholarships for those already in college so you can keep applying!!
All of this scholarship paper work may seem daunting at first, but trust me when I say that once you write an essay for one scholarship, the questions for the rest of the scholarships will be very much the same. Thus, copy - paste and edit. Oh, and make sure you have at least 2 letters of recommendation (teachers, minister at church, a neighbor, etc..) and an unofficial grade transcript of your current grades (you don't have to wait until the end of your senior year)!! The applications will want to know what community service you have done, groups and awards that you have, and of course your GPA!
Incase you are still doubting yourself, watch this small clip of Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor on The View - She overcame several hurdles and says her reason for success is her "stubbornness" or "scrapiness" that says "I just won't give up. Failure or the fear of it, is what keeps people from trying new things, so I just jump into things head on. . ." Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor on The View . When life seems overwhelming, or scary, and you think that there is no possible way of going forward, remember to breathe and take that step.
It is not only for you that you continue your walk, but also for your community and family. The ultimate goal is that you will join me in the world of higher academia and make change in our society. It is every individual's responsibility to apply knowledge and advocate for social change. We can't all sit and watch the world pass us by!

transportation, and the list can go on and on. This part of my blog will disrupt those discouragements and obstacles. I will explore money, scholarships, grades, and most importantly - family community.
Money and debt are always a large concern. There are other ways for you to find dollars to go to school, but first there are some principles to put in your backpack. You Must have a good grade point average (GPA). Remember, when you start a class, you always start with an "A" letter grade. It is only common sense that if you don't turn in the homework, read the materials and study for tests that the odds are that you won't do well. Yes, those 3 little jobs are all that are between you and keeping your "A." Unfortunately, once your grades go down, it is a long and tedious crawl to get them back up!
Another advantage you have is to realize that teachers do not want you to fail! Utilize them to every advantage you can. Communication is essential to understanding at all times what your grade is and NOT waiting until the last minute to find out that you have a "D." All schools have online services to keep you in the loop with your grades. If your teacher doesn't use the system or lacks the ability to keep grades current in the system, go talk with your teacher on a Wednesday and tell them that you need to know your current grade when you see them Friday (or the next school day).

Thirdly, being involved in activities in your school or volunteering for non-profits will look great on college applications. Activities can range from art, music, school government, National Honor Society, sports, dance, FFA, or volunteering at Sunday school, Boys & Girls club, or even the local senior center. In addition, this involvement also will provide positive character references.
If you combine good grades with school involvement you will qualify for scholarships! Applying for scholarships is much like applying for a job. The more you apply for, the better your chances. There will be some scholarship letters of denail, but don't let this get you down; head up, shoulders back, and move onward. Your goal is to have the college pay you to go to school! Let me start off with a link of "Strange scholarships." These sscholarships vary from caddies, tall girls, potatoes, best prom outfit made out of duct tape, and even inventors to enology (what is that?). Strange Scholarships
Did you know that even Mike Rowe from the
show "Dirty Jobs" has a trade scholarship? Mike Rowe Trade Scholarship.
The most helpful link I found was the Oregon Student Access Commission or OSAC! OSAC This scholarship data base has at least 600 different scholarships. You goal is to find the top 13 scholarships that apply to you! **Hint** Your counseling office has a book with details that will sort them out for you. If you don't live in Oregon, there is a familiar website for your state too; go see your counseling office. Here is the link for New York State New York State Scholarships.
Some scholarships are renewable if you continue to meet their guidelines, and the OSAC website has scholarships for those already in college so you can keep applying!!
All of this scholarship paper work may seem daunting at first, but trust me when I say that once you write an essay for one scholarship, the questions for the rest of the scholarships will be very much the same. Thus, copy - paste and edit. Oh, and make sure you have at least 2 letters of recommendation (teachers, minister at church, a neighbor, etc..) and an unofficial grade transcript of your current grades (you don't have to wait until the end of your senior year)!! The applications will want to know what community service you have done, groups and awards that you have, and of course your GPA!
Incase you are still doubting yourself, watch this small clip of Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor on The View - She overcame several hurdles and says her reason for success is her "stubbornness" or "scrapiness" that says "I just won't give up. Failure or the fear of it, is what keeps people from trying new things, so I just jump into things head on. . ." Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor on The View . When life seems overwhelming, or scary, and you think that there is no possible way of going forward, remember to breathe and take that step.

Monday, March 17, 2014
What My Mother Didn't Know
My mother didn't know many of my life struggles. Primarily because most of them were just not talked about, (pregnancy, drugs, bullying) which made me struggle through school and home with no one to talk too and more importantly, trying to become an adult all alone at a very young age. I had a learning disability (ADD) that didn't have a label yet, so I bounced from learning resource room, to room, to room. My peers called me names, tripped me in the hallways, took my books, and cornered me the bathrooms. My self-worth, confidence, and education suffered. Because I never "fit in," with what society called "normal" kids, I sought out the only clique who would
accept me - the "those kids." The "those kids" were square pegs that couldn't fit into round holes and had no one else to turn too but ourselves.
I couldn't talk to my parents because I didn't think they would understand and other subjects I needed to talk about where not covered in school and even worse - considered taboo in our house. I was looking for answers to life, approval of myself and someone who would love me. I found it with my new friends who drank alcohol, smoked pot, had sex with each other and skipped school. As a result, I became pregnant twice and
had 2 abortions without my parents knowledge, contracted an STI, and advanced
from pot to cocaine. I was still lonely, felt unloved, and confused about the meaning of life, friends, love and boys.
I managed 6 years of college with no degree (I loved college!) and married a man who had one thing in common - drugs. He came from a dysfunctional, drug, abusive family and my co-dependence rose to challenge to "fix him." Please note **You cannot fix people!** After 12 years of marriage, children and a home the evolved with domestic violence, I finally decided it was time to put my foot down and save my children (oh, and myself as well) and rediscover a life without power and control looming over me.
Today I am a single mother of 3 boys and a survivor of domestic violence. I vowed that communication would always be open and honest in my family. There is nothing that my boys can't come and talk to me about and I believe that all all individuals should be able to have an open conversation about anything that is on their mind.
I don't judge. I believe that we are all created equal, and everyone has their own right to act, dress, talk, and live the way they want. We have to start somewhere to stop the bullying, suicide, rape, and domestic violence. My belief is to educate society that
these behaviors are not
acceptable nor tolerated. My hope is that this blog will develop safe conversation that will empower a new generation of people who no
longer need power and control over others to feel important because they will
already know that they matter just the way they are. Yes! You do matter and everything that constructs yourself is unique and special. I want to know more about you, so please comment, feel free to share, and walk with me in developing open and safe conversation.

I managed 6 years of college with no degree (I loved college!) and married a man who had one thing in common - drugs. He came from a dysfunctional, drug, abusive family and my co-dependence rose to challenge to "fix him." Please note **You cannot fix people!** After 12 years of marriage, children and a home the evolved with domestic violence, I finally decided it was time to put my foot down and save my children (oh, and myself as well) and rediscover a life without power and control looming over me.
Today I am a single mother of 3 boys and a survivor of domestic violence. I vowed that communication would always be open and honest in my family. There is nothing that my boys can't come and talk to me about and I believe that all all individuals should be able to have an open conversation about anything that is on their mind.
I don't judge. I believe that we are all created equal, and everyone has their own right to act, dress, talk, and live the way they want. We have to start somewhere to stop the bullying, suicide, rape, and domestic violence. My belief is to educate society that

Let's Talk!

This blog is a very safe place where there will be no judging, no hating, and most of all no bullying. A safe place that you can ask me any question and have no fears.
This blog will also explore how our lives and society constructs our gender, whether we are at odds or asserting ourselves in life. I will also define the difference between gender and sexual identity. By discovering the difference, You will see how we are all special and unique. "Why I Must Come Out" No matter how we identify our gender, we are all human. Although some people may dress, act, talk, or display themselves differently from social norms, we all like ice cream, have friends, and played pretend when we were kids (at least I did).
Being inquisitive of each other results in the knowledge that we are not so different after all. Unfortunately, if those who do not conform to society's heternormative definition (white, male, wealthy, mother and father etc.,) experience bullying (which often results in horrific loss of lives - suicide) in the schools, workplace, and everyday life.
If you agree with my goals, then jump on board, talk, and ask any questions that you may have.
Sunday, March 16, 2014
"Hey, I just met you and this is crazy, but I'm Genderqueer so don't call me Lady."

Why is this important? Individuals who do not fit in society's box of norms struggle to be who they are as society selfishly denies them their rights. We need to be aware and sensitive to the issues these students face. We cannot turn away from these students who are bullied and struggling. Information about Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) youth and their struggles, (bullying, suicide) especially in their pre-college years explores the power dynamics inherent in discussing gender.

I attended a class at Oregon State University that discussed Queer Public Policy; basically what is wrong public policy in society and the norms that are inflicted upon individuals. We are not all square pegs waiting to be placed in square holes. Some are round, triangle, oblonge, etc. I wondered what would happen if the school system began an education program of how do individuals do gender and what is gender? I imagine open discussion between students, and the teachers as facilitators. Parents would be required to attend sessions to explore definitions of gender: transgender, transsexual, genderqueer, gender non-conforming, and gender-variant people.One of my peers from my Queer Public Policy class made a video that illustrates how we are all made differently and yet we all embrace the same need to be loved, cherished, and valued. Cakes of different colors, sizes and shapes

Saturday, March 15, 2014
Step Up and Be the Parent!
There all kinds of families, families with several parents, families that are separated, and families that have kids from other families that come and go! There are also young people who have no family. For whatever reason, these young people have no mother, no father, no food, no bed, and no place to call home. They often become prey for pedophiles, pimps, drug pushers, or sex traffickers. To me, this is inexcusable of our society. No matter the sacrifice, Our society is responsible and needs to step up and give them love, a family, and most important, acceptance. No matter the reason why they left, why they are homeless, it is our job to make room for them and love them.
Homeless Teens
My mother was one of those individuals who always had room for one more at the table, a spare bed, couch, extra clothes, a warm bath and even some guidance if it was needed. We weren't "rich" but we managed to share what we had. I remember one young man who wanted help getting off of drugs and alcohol and she walked with him to the rehab center. I watched as she treated each one as if they were her own child. Sure, I was jealous sometimes, but I knew that she was making a difference in someone's life. It was my job, as a member of our family, to give that person the acceptance and love that they needed.
According to the National Coalition for the Homeless
There are homeless youth everywhere. It isn't somebody else's problem, it is our problem. Take charge and make a difference because every life is precious.
Share your advice, experience, and thought!
Homeless Teens
My mother was one of those individuals who always had room for one more at the table, a spare bed, couch, extra clothes, a warm bath and even some guidance if it was needed. We weren't "rich" but we managed to share what we had. I remember one young man who wanted help getting off of drugs and alcohol and she walked with him to the rehab center. I watched as she treated each one as if they were her own child. Sure, I was jealous sometimes, but I knew that she was making a difference in someone's life. It was my job, as a member of our family, to give that person the acceptance and love that they needed.
According to the National Coalition for the Homeless
- There are approximately 1.7 million homeless teens in the U.S.
- 39 percent of the homeless population is young people under 18.
- About 75 percent of homeless teens use drugs or alcohol as a means to self-medicate to deal with the traumatic experiences and abuse they face.
- 5,000 young people die every year because of assault, illness, or suicide while on the street.
- A U.S. Department of Health and Human Services study found that 46 percent of homeless youth left their home because of physical abuse. 17 percent left because of sexual abuse.
- Approximately 40 percent of homeless teens identify as LGBT.
- Over 50 percent of young people in shelters and on the streets report that their parents told them to leave or knew they were leaving and didn’t care.
- The average age a teen becomes homeless is 14.7 years.
- 1 in 7 young people between the ages of 10 and 18 will run away.
- Teens age 12 to 17 are more likely to become homeless than adults.
- HIV rates for homeless young people are 2 to 10 times higher than reported rates for other samples of adolescents in the U.S.
There are homeless youth everywhere. It isn't somebody else's problem, it is our problem. Take charge and make a difference because every life is precious.
Share your advice, experience, and thought!
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not, He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not. . .
I remember my first boyfriend, Gary. I was 12 and he was going to be mine forever. I would go home and write my name over and over with his last name, draw a house with a white picket fence with 2 children (boy and girl - of course) playing on the swings and I was busy in the kitchen cooking. What is so wrong with this picture? I was swept up by media's portrayal of how women should dress, how they should act, and that the man was in charge of the house, finances, and my future. By the time I was 15, Gary was gone and I found another boy to take his place. This time I was "all grown up" (rightttt) and ready to show him how much I loved him by having sex. I gave him all of me physically and mentally. I lived, breathed, ate, and slept with him always
on my mind. I thought that he loved me too because he was always willing to have sex. I wasn't wined and dined, I was a "drive-through date" and had sex in the back seat, in the public bathrooms, or in empty buildings. It wasn't romantic, there was no love-making, it was "slam, bam, thank you Mam." I found out that he had other females so I showed him by having other males. It went from a fantasy of love to revenge and the only thing I caught was an STI. Yuck!!
It never occurred to me that as a female I could demand respect, show my creativity, leadership qualities, and sexuality that was precious and not there to be used for the disposal of others. Music videos show that females can be smacked around, expected to "Shake It" "Twerk it" and perform with multiple partners while always coming back for more. Lyrics that portray females who "like the way it hurts," "like the way you lie," males demand - "where are you going? I'm leaving you, No you ain't" "Next time I'm pissed, I'll aim my fist, At the dry wall, Next time, There will be no next time," "If she ever tries to fucking leave again, I'mma tie her to the bed, And set the house on fire." Eminem and Rihanna "Love the Way You Lie" . Relationships are transformed from flowers, dinners, and respect to using, and demanding with power and control. Verbal and physical abuse, the "If I can't have her, nobody will" syndrome becomes Domestic Violence. This is just Wrong!
The images encourage society to normalize individual and cultural attitudes about male and female sexuality. Society portrays males as dominate, powerful, and demanding, females as submissive, helpless, and wanting. But I think that young adults can protest media of today by rejecting the influence of music videos, advertisements. Don't get me wrong,, I like a nice beat thumping in my car just as much as the teen next to me with his 20" woofer. But wouldn't you agree that debunking the myths that boys play with power tools, pound with hammers, and play the role of the leader and that girls cook, have babies, and submit to the man/men is more important? If we don't start now, then these narrow minded myths will continue to form the identities of young men and women's sexuality and gender through a dangerously narrow mind set as is shown in the video by the Ying Yang Twins and Pitt Bull "Shake".
Watch carefully in this clip of "Dreamworlds 3" by Sut Jhally where he asserts just how wrong situations become because media displays these type of normalized roles. Individual females are sexually harassed by groups of men and men suggestively make sexual advances to unwanting females. "Desire, Sex, and Power in Music Videos
I am leaving all of you with a challenge. Try every day to demand respect of your body, soul, and self-image. Males don't need to have power and control and Females are not submissive, weak, and present in this world to be taken advantage of free of charge. I know I have given you a lot to digest, so take your time. Watch the clips and think to yourself as you walk amongst society "How can I make change?" Then Do It! Be demanding, assertive, and when you find your friends following the myths of society - Debunk Them! There is nothing wrong with questioning your friends when a situation looks wrong, because if it does, it probably IS!
Let me know what you think and how you will make change for the future!
on my mind. I thought that he loved me too because he was always willing to have sex. I wasn't wined and dined, I was a "drive-through date" and had sex in the back seat, in the public bathrooms, or in empty buildings. It wasn't romantic, there was no love-making, it was "slam, bam, thank you Mam." I found out that he had other females so I showed him by having other males. It went from a fantasy of love to revenge and the only thing I caught was an STI. Yuck!!

Watch carefully in this clip of "Dreamworlds 3" by Sut Jhally where he asserts just how wrong situations become because media displays these type of normalized roles. Individual females are sexually harassed by groups of men and men suggestively make sexual advances to unwanting females. "Desire, Sex, and Power in Music Videos

Let me know what you think and how you will make change for the future!
Monday, March 10, 2014
Life is a Roller Coaster! Sit down, buckle up and enjoy the Ride!
You know the sayings: "Life hands you lemons make lemonade," or "Life
is too short, eat dessert first." Sometimes life seems so unbearable,
hopeless, and confusing that I just want to crawl back in bed, pull the
covers over my head and hide. What I didn't realize while I was
"drowning" in my big black hole, is that there were people within an
arms reach who wanted to help me! Yes, me! I think that God was probably
just sitting and patiently waiting and wondering when I would open my eyes! When I did, I saw that the tunnel of darkness had a light at the
end. All I had to do was to reach out and put one foot in front of the
other. I discovered that my teachers didn't want me fail and my
counselor was there for me whenever I needed her. I could drop in and
bend her ear a little and she always had a positive word which seemed to
brighten my day.
I always had my ups and downs, I still do, but now I know that between my family, my friends, teachers, and counselors, I know that life is not hopeless or dark forever. I just have to remember to ask. Sure, sometimes they will say "no" but more times than not, I usually get a "yes." I always try to "pass it on" with kindness to someone else because karma will come around. (What is Karma? watch this - Karma: Our Bond to Past and PresentThink about how positive this world would be if we all passed out kindness, caring, love, to one another? Positive Karma would fill the world for everyone.
Try to do something nice for someone and see what happens to your Karma.
I always had my ups and downs, I still do, but now I know that between my family, my friends, teachers, and counselors, I know that life is not hopeless or dark forever. I just have to remember to ask. Sure, sometimes they will say "no" but more times than not, I usually get a "yes." I always try to "pass it on" with kindness to someone else because karma will come around. (What is Karma? watch this - Karma: Our Bond to Past and PresentThink about how positive this world would be if we all passed out kindness, caring, love, to one another? Positive Karma would fill the world for everyone.
Try to do something nice for someone and see what happens to your Karma.
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